Knee pain? Have your pelvis checked!

The research article below showed that an adjustment of the pelvis and hip decreases muscle activity in the knee and reduces knee pain.

When you look at the human skeletal system a rotated pelvis causes the legs to rotate also. Walking around like this means that the muscles of the leg need to activate to guard the rotational stress on the knees.

Over time the muscles fatigue and lead to a knee problem progressing. Eventually this condition will come to a point where damage to the knee is caused, that damage activates pain receptors in the knee, allowing you to know where your problem is.

By straightening the pelvis with a process of chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy, the legs will straighten underneath and decrease rotational stress on the knee so the muscles can then relax and go back to normal instead of guarding.

When a pelvis is rotated, it indicates a locking of the joints in the pelvis and low back. The chiropractic adjustment unlocks this enabling the body to return to its default (balanced) position.

One way to check of your pelvis is rotated is to stand in front of a full length mirror and if your feet aren't parallel, your pelvis is rotated.

Prevention is always better than cure, so it's best not to wait for pain. Keeping your body's joints moving correctly will keep your body straight. Your Chiropractor can help.

Dr Ryan Lamp
Lamp Chiropractic - 9361 9300
Toodyay Rivervale Bentley

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