Postural Problems Becoming an Epidemic in Children

School kids spend much of their day sitting down with poor posture and carrying heavy backpacks. When they get home they spend even more time sitting with bad posture studying and using technology. It is no surprise that we are starting to see more school kids come into the clinics. Education on how to manage this problem is important as the earlier these conditions begin the more problems they will develop in later life. Kids respond fantastically to chiropractic care and tend to improve faster than adults. The reason for this is that they haven't had years of the their body guarding the problem and developing poor habits. At Lamp chiropractic clinics one of the key aspects of your treatment is assessing and treating postural changes. A recent study (Braz J Phys Ther. 2014 Jul-Aug;18(4):364-71. Epub 2014 Jul 18) looked at posture in 15-17 year old boys and girls. It found that postural dysfunction is becoming a common problem in school kids. It tends to affect females more than males and is associated with neck pain. If you have noticed postural changes in your children, from rounded shoulders to turned out feet or they are complaining of

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Knee pain? Have your pelvis checked!

The research article below showed that an adjustment of the pelvis and hip decreases muscle activity in the knee and reduces knee pain. When you look at the human skeletal system a rotated pelvis causes the legs to rotate also. Walking around like this means that the muscles of the leg need to activate to guard the rotational stress on the knees. Over time the muscles fatigue and lead to a knee problem progressing. Eventually this condition will come to a point where damage to the knee is caused, that damage activates pain receptors in the knee, allowing you to know where your problem is. By straightening the pelvis with a process of chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy, the legs will straighten underneath and decrease rotational stress on the knee so the muscles can then relax and go back to normal instead of guarding. When a pelvis is rotated, it indicates a locking of the joints in the pelvis and low back. The chiropractic adjustment unlocks this enabling the body to return to its default (balanced) position. One way to check of your pelvis is rotated is to stand in front of a full length mirror and if your

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Lamp Chiropractic welcomes new female Chiropractor; Dr Kate-Lyn McIntosh

Dr Kate-Lyn McIntosh has completed her induction course and is now practicing. Along with her Rivervale and Bentley shifts, Dr Kate-Lyn will be opening Saturdays in Toodyay. Dr Kate-Lyn said “Patient's have been asking for a Saturday Shift in Toodyay for a long time now” Dr Kate-Lyn lived in Bridgetown as a child and did her high school and University in Perth. She previously studied nursing before switching to become a Chiropractor and completed the 5 year double degree at Murdoch University. Dr Kate-Lyn has been working for the Rocky Bay Foundation for the past 7 years as a carer and still has a commitment one day a week to them. Dr Kate-Lyn said “I love my profession and caring for my patient's, many people come in saying they’ve tried everything else, so to be able to help them is so rewarding” Like the other Chiropractors, she is dedicated to find and treat the cause of patient's problems. At Lamp Chiropractic; they not only TREAT but also TEACH people how to accelerate their healing and prevent problems recurring in the future. Dr Kate-Lyn is an expert in treating back pain, neck pain and headaches and all musculoskeletal conditions. She

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Considering Surgery? READ THIS!

If you’re considering Surgery, you must read this! This article is written by a Sydney surgeon Dr Harris, who has come forward to explain that he has performed many surgeries in his career that he knew didn’t work, or were not clinically indicated in the first place. His excuse is that patients come to him and “Demand” he did something, and he felt compelled to do unnecessary surgery. Dr Steven Parnis, vice president of the AMA, said this issue was relevant to the entire medical profession, not just surgery. Dr Harris compiled a list of operations that has questionable benefits; they include •Spinal Fusion •Stem cell injections •Tennis elbow surgery •Cardiac stenting •Appendectomy •Knee arthroscopy •Epidural steroid injections •Caesarean section •Spinal cord stimulators. Patients often have a perception that whenever surgery is done, it is the be all and end all. At Lamp Chiropractic we want our patient's to be fully informed, and are happy to answer any questions you may have about any of your health related issues.

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Are you one of the half of all parents who administer incorrect doses of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol?

Results show that too often parents are using ibuprofen and paracetamol to bring children’s temperatures under control. The American Academy of Paediatrics has released new research to show the rise in a Childs temperature during illness is actually a physiological mechanism that has beneficial effects in fighting infection. Cooling a child down in a bath or shower and removing some clothing is a better first option, which has no side effects. Mild fevers are those under 40 degrees. Lamp Chiropractic Toodyay/Rivervale/Bentley 93619300

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